Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Past, The Now, and the Upcoming

First thing I want to mention is that I am in Great Health, Great Spirits and have GREAT NEWS!

Three weeks ago (Wednesday September 10) I had my second angiogram since being released from the Hospital. It is probably my fourth or fifth Angiogram over all. Last Thursday (September 25) I had the follow up appointment with Doctor David Wilson (who performed the operation on my brain aneurysm), and received the results.

I have been given the all clear and a clean bill of health. There has been no growth in the blood vessel and no return of the aneurysm. The doctors have scaled me back to only needing an Angiogram once a year. So, I don’t need another one until next September!

Thank you to all who have said a prayer and for everyone’s thoughts and well wishes.

I labeled this post The Past, The Now, and the Upcoming

The aneurysm is now part of THE PAST. Of course, I am going to keep an eye on it.
If the aneurysm had any lasting effect on me this year, it was knocking this year off course. I have not really accomplished what I wanted to do this year. In fact, I fell into a usual trap for me, one I try to avoid. That trap being that I spend so much time trying to get caught up, that I don’t get anywhere.

That brings me to THE NOW. I have decided to let go of what hasn’t been accomplished this year, and to focus on what to accomplish. To that end, I have scaled back what I am going to be working on for the rest of this year and focus on getting 2015 kicked off perfectly.

For the Now, my focus is mainly going to be on the From My Heart to Your Health comic book anthology, the Wrestlementary blog, working on my artwork and enjoying the upcoming holidays. I am also considering one major project I have never undertaken before.

THE BURNING MIND: The Burning Mind is my comic book blog, which really got derailed. I planned an article a week and a review a week. But that didn’t happen. I have tried to get caught up with the reviews, but am so far behind it is just getting ridiculous.

So, effective today, over the course of October, I will post all the reviews I currently have done, then I will put The Burning Mind in a two-month hiatus. It is not going away. It will relaunch on January 1, 2015.

WRESTLEMENTARY: Along with my fellow Pro Wrestling fans and friends Dave Parrish, Chris Rose and Wes Kozalla, we have the Wrestlementary blog rocking and popping. This blog is not going anywhere. Working on Wrestlementary has really helped me to get back into the swing of writing.

NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH: This is the Major Project I am considering. I may take part in National Novel Writing Month in November. I haven’t completely made up my mind, or what story I will write.

If I do partake, I will chronicle my progress on this blog.

THE UPCOMING, by this I mean 2015. I am already preparing for 2015, and have a laser like focus on what I plan to accomplish. 2015 will be dedicated to my writing. Everything I do is just an extension of my writing. I am a writer, first and foremost.
This focus isn’t just writing itself, it is also studying writing, enhancing my skills and perhaps learning new ones.

On this note, I also plan to launch a new blog on January 1, to be called Raw Flesh. This idea is to post 500 to 1000 words every week on a story I will tell over the course of the year. What that story will be I have no idea, I may just write it stream of consciousness.

Raw Flesh basically means that what will be posted will be unedited.

I may launch a second blog in July, where I will focus on posting Flash Fiction.

This past January, I launched a few other blog besides this one, Burning Mind and Wrestlementary. I will start writing for these blogs in 2015.

The aneurysm may have slowed me down a little bit and derailed some plans, but it didn’t stop me. I’m getting back on track and will be going faster than ever before.

Ace Masters.