Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome to 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the New Year we now call 2015.

I have written about 2014 and my experience that year ad nausea. I will not forget what happen, will always guard against its return, but it is no factor in my moving forward.

This year, I will accomplish all my goals for last year, and all planned for this year.
Achieving those goals starts today, with the return of old blogs and the launching of new ones.

My first and main goal in this year is to focus on my writing, which is why the blogs. Please pay attention to my Facebook ( page as I will be launching the new blogs, and posting to the old ones for the first time in 2015, periodically over the course of this 1st of the year.

The blogs serve a few purposes, but mostly to help me focus on actually writing, managing my time, and help improve my writing skills.

My secondary focus is studying art. A discipline I am going to return to with near as much ferocity as I will on my writing.

Those are my two main goals for the year, but they set the foundation for all my goals this year: Improving all aspects of my life and moving forward in my career more than I have in years.

It is going to be a long year, 365 days. It is going to be a good year. I am going to make it that way.

Come on Join me for the Ride!

Ace Masters