Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Welcome All, to the newest State of the Master Blog.

First thing, first. A lot of people have asked me about my health. I am doing great. I have been a little sick lately and my shoulder is still injured, but I have no lingering effects from the aneurysm. It is now over a year and all is good!

So far, this year has been good as well, except for the fact that I am well behind in stuff I wanted to have done by now. There are really two reasons for this. One is the fact that I have undertaken a massive personal project that is taking quite some time. Something I am hoping to be finished with this week.

This is something that should have been done years ago, but is being done now.
The other reason is just a lack of focus on getting stuff done. I had to slow done for my recovery in ALL of 2014, I was unable to do a lot of things, and was under doctor orders NOT to do things (such as lift weights). I have gotten so used to the recovery phase of my life that I am not getting things done like I used to.

But that too will change, for the better.

This week I am going to start getting caught up – with a focus on my online blogs and presence. I have gotten behind on Wrestlementary, The Burning Mind, True Story and What I Watch. This week and next week I plan on getting these caught up and back on track.

With everything that happen last year, I look at it this way, if the only real issue I have is being behind on plan, then life is GOOD.

Ace Masters.