Thursday, May 28, 2015


Hey Yo,

I hope everyone out there is good. I am . . . something, still trying to figure out what. I am having an odd but somewhat good year so far, but that it normal for me.

My social media life has been here and there this year. I have had long stretches of activity, then I suddenly go quiet. Again, sorta par for the course for me.

My life has always been this way, just as I get things going, or get caught up, LIFE interferes. It’s has a bad habit of doing that.

At the end of March I was all caught up, my blogs were on time, I was getting more active, then BANG Life interferes again. Only this time it wasn’t something that happened to me. It was also something that I couldn’t ignore and had to deal with. If I didn’t, well I’d just be a piece of shit.

On April 2 my mother fell and badly hurt her foot. She is not that old (early ‘60’s) and is in good shape, but still, she hurt her foot pretty bad. Bad enough that we went for a trip to emergency. Initially we were told it was a high grade 1st degree sprain, then an idiot misread an MRI and diagnosed her with a broken foot.

Long story short, she never had a broken foot, but badly sprained and pulled the muscles in her foot. She spent a week unable to walk, and we didn’t work for three weeks. I put things on hold to take care of her and allow her foot to heal. Which it is doing at a nice pace.

I couldn’t do anything less then take care of her during this time, not after who she looked after me with my aneurysm last year.

Now that things are better, I plan on getting back on track with projects and blogs this Monday, June 1.

I have not yet made up my mind if I am going to do catch-up on my blogs like I did before, or just start fresh.

Anyway, good news is my mom is getting better and her foot is healing.

Now, personally, I just need to get my ass in gear. Even though I have recovered from my aneurysm, I having some issues with get-up-and-go. I need to get back into shape and lose a few inches and pounds, and I really need to get back into writing and filmmaking.


Ace Masters