Monday, December 12, 2016

State Of The Master - December 2016

Hello All,

The first thing I want to do now is be a little Stereotypical:

Merry Christmas to everyone.
And Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends.

Even though I am not religious, don’t celebrate or like Christmas, I hope others have a safe and happy holidays.

Myself I am looking forward to the New Year. Right now I can’t do much, writing wise. Because of Christmas film studios, publishers, magazines and most places I usually deal – or try to deal – with shut down submissions and acquisitions. So it’s a no go time for me. :-(

In terms of my ‘day job’ (aka how I pay my bills for now), this is the true busy time of the year for myself and my mother and our work. My schedule is going to be in overdrive for the next few weeks.

Right now, I have made the decision to put my blogs on hold for December, even though I just caught up on all of them.

What I Watch I Review, Burning Mind and This Is A True Story will return in January, kicking off the New Year and maybe new formats and schedules.

For Wrestlementary, I will post a Year End piece sometime after Christmas. Other than that, it will return with a new format in January as well.

I am truly looking forward to 2017 and finally going hard into my writing, publishing and filmmaking again. My main focus will be writing, but I will be looking to raise funds for comic projects, feature films and hope to shoot a short film in the second half of 2017.

Well, here is to ending 2016 soon on a good note and start 2017 with a bang!
