Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 End of the Year State of the Master!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the end of 2018 is upon us and the beginning of 2019 is looming. As I sit down and write this 2018 End of Year State of the Master, I am suddenly struck by a thought – a very relevant and somewhat odd thought:

The Far off Year of 2020 hangs over us like the Sword of Damocles.

It only just dawned on me the era we are about to enter. All the stories I grew up on that took place in the Far Off World of 2020: Comics, films, TV, Prose Short Stories and Novels (IRON MAN 2020 anyone?). Some showcased a beautiful vision of a peaceful world, others a post-apocalyptic nuclear nightmare, while many others used it as a backdrop for any number of types of stories.

My point is in my childhood the year 2001 was far off, 2020 was almost too much to consider. I never even consider that I would live to see 2020, considering it was fodder for so many sci-fi stories and seemed so far into the future, but here we all are: 2020 is only a little over 365 days away.

What once was a far off future time, is soon to be the here and now.

I, for one, am look forwarding to it.

That was just a thought – a tangent I am known for going off on once in a while. So, back to 2018.

For the most part 2018 could be consider a good year – Hey I made it through it!

But it was also a mixed year at best – another year that derailed. Oh, the first half was great, but once July HIT . . . Whoa.

Yeah EVERYTHING that could go wrong went wrong. Murphy’s Law on steroids . . .
What’s everything? I’ve give a small list:
Air Conditioner; Clothes Washer, Dryer; Plumbing; Car; ME

Yep, you name it, if it could breakdown it did, to the tune of lots of $$$.

If you’re eagled eye you’ve no doubt noticed the last thing that broke down: ME.

This is not Hyperbole here, in a way I actually did break down. And I don’t mean break down as in losing my focus on projects and getting a little stressed with Murphy’s Law in late 2018 – though that did happen.

I don’t mean not posting on my blogs and putting them on hiatus – which I did.
The second half of this year had a lot coming at me, so the blogs and my projects were all put on hold to deal with them. These are typical household stuff – but all at ONCE? Come on.

They were also put on hold to deal with ME. I am talking about this: On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 31 – Halloween – I collapsed and was taken to the Hospital. A fine hospital with a good staff and Halloween Spirit that sort freaked me out when I woke out (This will be written about in the first This Is A True Story blog in 2019).

Even though I felt fine up to that day, my mother didn’t think I look good. Well, she was right! Walking Pneumonia was the culprit and I spent the next week on Meds.
Good news is that I am fine, fully recovered and good to good.

Bad News is this: I Saw a new Doctor on that Monday – who failed to check me out properly. I am failing to ever see him again.

Since then, I have been focusing on getting things straighten out – they are now – and getting ready and planning for 2019.

2019 is going to be a Great Year – and I will make it that way. Having the Pneumonia was a bit of a wakeup call – I got myself straighten out and actual have started getting my focus and mojo going again.

2018 is ending nicely.

2019 is going to start with a Bang.

And keep on going.

For the first time in a long time, and after a lot of introspection, I feel like myself again.

In 2019 it is time to turn anything Negative into a Positive.

It’s also time to put my personal motto back into effect:

Ace Masters