Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The State of Wrestlementary for 2019

Well, well, well . . . I have to admit that for 2018 Wrestlementary was posted on a Brock Lesnar like Schedule, and was a good as a Lesnar Main Event.

Yep, I went there.

Once again, I had big plans for Wrestlementary and once again it just didn’t happen. A combination of too many things going on, and sorta flaming out with trying to do too much. It’s just the truth, no use hiding it.

My effort on Wrestlementary this year will be much different. As I am making some changes.

I will return to writing my Commentary on RAW and SMACKDOWN LIVE, and will try to get my thoughts on Ring Warriors, Championship Wrestling From Arizona, IMPACT, Major League Wrestling, Lucha Underground and Ring of Honor done as well. I will also try and comment and what shows I watch on FITE, when I can watch them.

As of right now (January 1st) all my Wrestlementary Commentary will be done on a monthly schedule, this will make it a far easier schedule for me to keep to. This doesn’t mean one piece per month, but one piece per month on each of the above listed Promotions. Or so I will Try.


Championship Wrestling From Arizona
The monthly commentary will be posted on the first Saturday of each Month.

The monthly commentary will be posted on the Friday before the PPV, with the PPV Preview and Predictions posted the Saturday before.

The monthly commentary will be post the first Friday of each Month.

The monthly commentary will be post the first Thursday of each Month.

The monthly Commentary will be posted on the Friday before the PPV, with the PPV Preview and Prediction post the Saturday before.

The monthly commentary will be posted the first Tuesday of each Month.

The monthly pieces commentating on the last months’ worth of WWE Broadcasts will go up on the Wednesday (RAW), Thursday (SD LIVE); and Friday (NXT, NXT UK, 205 Live) before the WWE Pay-Per-View (and NXT’s Takeover.)

Each Main Roster PPV Preview will be up that Saturday Night before, with NXT Takeover on Fridays.

For the most part expect these to start in February – as I am behind on many of these promotions and am going to start fresh as of Today and be current.

Except for the WWE, as I and the crew (Dave and Chris) WILL be in attendance at NXT Takeover and The Royal Rumble! So expect my firsthand account of both shows!

And, with this New Year now upon us, expect my Best of 2018 sometime in the next week or two – and some may surprise you.

I will also return to writing about each and every Arizona Wrestling Federation show I attend, and apologize for not doing so this past year.

In fact I will write Commentary on all Local Shows I attend.

Last year I started doing The Best Wrestlers You (MAY) Never Have Heard Of (with pieces on Chris Evans, Johnny Saovi and Alexander Hammerstone). I will continue doing these this year, with at least one a month.

So, basically, that is the State of Wrestlementary – I will return to doing my Commentary (it is called WrestleMENTARY after all), and watch and post as much as I can and hopefully keep to everything.

If not, forgive.


And something more important – It’s Time for SMACKDOWN LIVE!!

Ace Masters.