Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The State of the Master April 2019

My state write now is what I have come to refer to as GFE. And that doesn’t stand for Girlfriend Experience. (Maybe Girlfriendless Experience).

No, GFE stands for:

GOOD. Because my life is generally good, despite the issues and people that try and tear me down. And I try and keep a good attitude and outlook and stay positive. It doesn’t always work, but I try.

FRUSTATING. Because I keep trying to move forward, but I have one lingering issue that keep holding me back. Or at least putting a road black on my path. Also, frustrating because of all the negative people in life that keep just trying to tear things down, people I want nothing to do with, but constantly keep forcing themselves into my life. People who think they know me, but know nothing about me.

EXCRUCIATING: Because of my shoulder and the constant, excruciating pain. I posted a piece on Facebook detailing it, but here’s the short version. I have tendopathy and a torn tendon in my right shoulder, which causes me almost constant excruciating pain, which often leads to my right hand going numb. All any Doctors want to do to this at this point is Cortisone and painkillers. None of which work.

I started this year with great plans, to get back to work on projects and even some stuff I wanted to post to be Blogs written ahead of time.

Well, I started off good, but didn’t continue good . . .

The main reason for this is that I didn’t do as much writing as I wanted. The main reason for that is my shoulder. Just to type is often painful.

I’m a little pissed at my shoulder, my lack of proper medical care and at myself.

Myself, because I’ve allowed this to stop me. At times I don’t have a choice, but other times I just don’t do things (such as writing - for my blog, my projects; working out; walking my dog), going into a funk. I’m getting out of this NOW.

I’ve told myself this before: To focus better and not let things get to me, unless I have little choice.

Effective immediately I’m in going into Focus Mode and Catch Up Mode. I have to do this.

Therefore, all my Blogs are officially suspended until July 1st.

This catch up period of mine started on Sunday April 14, 2019, and gives me 11 weeks to do what I want.

This is something I have to do, for myself and to move forward.

I need to live up to being Ace Masters.

Anything less is unacceptable.

Ace Masters.

My Next State of the Master will come on Sunday, June 30th