Monday, June 17, 2019


The Blogs Are Back!

Starting Monday, July 1st with WrestleMentary!

When I originally announced this current Blog Hiatus, I said ALL my Blogs would return starting July 1st with WrestleMentary. Then, a few weeks later I mentioned pushing that return back to my Birthday, July 27th. Well, I’m changing that again and going back to the original plan: July 1st

As of Monday, July 1st the Blogs will return from Hiatus starting with Wrestlementary.

From there all the Blogs (except Wrestlementary) will return on the originally planned 2019 Monthly Schedule.

  • Wednesday, 7/3 – THE BURNING MIND
  • Thursday, 7/11 – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • Friday, 7/19 – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • Sunday, 7/28 – RAW FLESH
  • Wednesday, 7/31 – STATE OF THE MASTER

There is no set posting schedule for Wrestlementary as their will be more than one monthly post. So the schedule will be more random. There will however be regular WWE Coverage focused around the time of PPVs or the dreaded “Super Shows.”

As for the rest of the year, the Blogs should follow the following schedule. Though, there may be times I post a little more often.


  • 1ST Wednesday of each Month – THE BURNING MIND
  • 2ND Thursday of each Month – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • 3RD Friday of each Month – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • 4TH Sunday of each Month – RAW FLESH
  • Last Day of each Month – STATE OF THE MASTER
  • WrestleMentary: Random Posts

See you July 1st,

 - Ace

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The State of the Master April 2019

My state write now is what I have come to refer to as GFE. And that doesn’t stand for Girlfriend Experience. (Maybe Girlfriendless Experience).

No, GFE stands for:

GOOD. Because my life is generally good, despite the issues and people that try and tear me down. And I try and keep a good attitude and outlook and stay positive. It doesn’t always work, but I try.

FRUSTATING. Because I keep trying to move forward, but I have one lingering issue that keep holding me back. Or at least putting a road black on my path. Also, frustrating because of all the negative people in life that keep just trying to tear things down, people I want nothing to do with, but constantly keep forcing themselves into my life. People who think they know me, but know nothing about me.

EXCRUCIATING: Because of my shoulder and the constant, excruciating pain. I posted a piece on Facebook detailing it, but here’s the short version. I have tendopathy and a torn tendon in my right shoulder, which causes me almost constant excruciating pain, which often leads to my right hand going numb. All any Doctors want to do to this at this point is Cortisone and painkillers. None of which work.

I started this year with great plans, to get back to work on projects and even some stuff I wanted to post to be Blogs written ahead of time.

Well, I started off good, but didn’t continue good . . .

The main reason for this is that I didn’t do as much writing as I wanted. The main reason for that is my shoulder. Just to type is often painful.

I’m a little pissed at my shoulder, my lack of proper medical care and at myself.

Myself, because I’ve allowed this to stop me. At times I don’t have a choice, but other times I just don’t do things (such as writing - for my blog, my projects; working out; walking my dog), going into a funk. I’m getting out of this NOW.

I’ve told myself this before: To focus better and not let things get to me, unless I have little choice.

Effective immediately I’m in going into Focus Mode and Catch Up Mode. I have to do this.

Therefore, all my Blogs are officially suspended until July 1st.

This catch up period of mine started on Sunday April 14, 2019, and gives me 11 weeks to do what I want.

This is something I have to do, for myself and to move forward.

I need to live up to being Ace Masters.

Anything less is unacceptable.

Ace Masters.

My Next State of the Master will come on Sunday, June 30th

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The State of Wrestlementary for 2019

Well, well, well . . . I have to admit that for 2018 Wrestlementary was posted on a Brock Lesnar like Schedule, and was a good as a Lesnar Main Event.

Yep, I went there.

Once again, I had big plans for Wrestlementary and once again it just didn’t happen. A combination of too many things going on, and sorta flaming out with trying to do too much. It’s just the truth, no use hiding it.

My effort on Wrestlementary this year will be much different. As I am making some changes.

I will return to writing my Commentary on RAW and SMACKDOWN LIVE, and will try to get my thoughts on Ring Warriors, Championship Wrestling From Arizona, IMPACT, Major League Wrestling, Lucha Underground and Ring of Honor done as well. I will also try and comment and what shows I watch on FITE, when I can watch them.

As of right now (January 1st) all my Wrestlementary Commentary will be done on a monthly schedule, this will make it a far easier schedule for me to keep to. This doesn’t mean one piece per month, but one piece per month on each of the above listed Promotions. Or so I will Try.


Championship Wrestling From Arizona
The monthly commentary will be posted on the first Saturday of each Month.

The monthly commentary will be posted on the Friday before the PPV, with the PPV Preview and Predictions posted the Saturday before.

The monthly commentary will be post the first Friday of each Month.

The monthly commentary will be post the first Thursday of each Month.

The monthly Commentary will be posted on the Friday before the PPV, with the PPV Preview and Prediction post the Saturday before.

The monthly commentary will be posted the first Tuesday of each Month.

The monthly pieces commentating on the last months’ worth of WWE Broadcasts will go up on the Wednesday (RAW), Thursday (SD LIVE); and Friday (NXT, NXT UK, 205 Live) before the WWE Pay-Per-View (and NXT’s Takeover.)

Each Main Roster PPV Preview will be up that Saturday Night before, with NXT Takeover on Fridays.

For the most part expect these to start in February – as I am behind on many of these promotions and am going to start fresh as of Today and be current.

Except for the WWE, as I and the crew (Dave and Chris) WILL be in attendance at NXT Takeover and The Royal Rumble! So expect my firsthand account of both shows!

And, with this New Year now upon us, expect my Best of 2018 sometime in the next week or two – and some may surprise you.

I will also return to writing about each and every Arizona Wrestling Federation show I attend, and apologize for not doing so this past year.

In fact I will write Commentary on all Local Shows I attend.

Last year I started doing The Best Wrestlers You (MAY) Never Have Heard Of (with pieces on Chris Evans, Johnny Saovi and Alexander Hammerstone). I will continue doing these this year, with at least one a month.

So, basically, that is the State of Wrestlementary – I will return to doing my Commentary (it is called WrestleMENTARY after all), and watch and post as much as I can and hopefully keep to everything.

If not, forgive.


And something more important – It’s Time for SMACKDOWN LIVE!!

Ace Masters.

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 End of the Year State of the Master!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the end of 2018 is upon us and the beginning of 2019 is looming. As I sit down and write this 2018 End of Year State of the Master, I am suddenly struck by a thought – a very relevant and somewhat odd thought:

The Far off Year of 2020 hangs over us like the Sword of Damocles.

It only just dawned on me the era we are about to enter. All the stories I grew up on that took place in the Far Off World of 2020: Comics, films, TV, Prose Short Stories and Novels (IRON MAN 2020 anyone?). Some showcased a beautiful vision of a peaceful world, others a post-apocalyptic nuclear nightmare, while many others used it as a backdrop for any number of types of stories.

My point is in my childhood the year 2001 was far off, 2020 was almost too much to consider. I never even consider that I would live to see 2020, considering it was fodder for so many sci-fi stories and seemed so far into the future, but here we all are: 2020 is only a little over 365 days away.

What once was a far off future time, is soon to be the here and now.

I, for one, am look forwarding to it.

That was just a thought – a tangent I am known for going off on once in a while. So, back to 2018.

For the most part 2018 could be consider a good year – Hey I made it through it!

But it was also a mixed year at best – another year that derailed. Oh, the first half was great, but once July HIT . . . Whoa.

Yeah EVERYTHING that could go wrong went wrong. Murphy’s Law on steroids . . .
What’s everything? I’ve give a small list:
Air Conditioner; Clothes Washer, Dryer; Plumbing; Car; ME

Yep, you name it, if it could breakdown it did, to the tune of lots of $$$.

If you’re eagled eye you’ve no doubt noticed the last thing that broke down: ME.

This is not Hyperbole here, in a way I actually did break down. And I don’t mean break down as in losing my focus on projects and getting a little stressed with Murphy’s Law in late 2018 – though that did happen.

I don’t mean not posting on my blogs and putting them on hiatus – which I did.
The second half of this year had a lot coming at me, so the blogs and my projects were all put on hold to deal with them. These are typical household stuff – but all at ONCE? Come on.

They were also put on hold to deal with ME. I am talking about this: On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 31 – Halloween – I collapsed and was taken to the Hospital. A fine hospital with a good staff and Halloween Spirit that sort freaked me out when I woke out (This will be written about in the first This Is A True Story blog in 2019).

Even though I felt fine up to that day, my mother didn’t think I look good. Well, she was right! Walking Pneumonia was the culprit and I spent the next week on Meds.
Good news is that I am fine, fully recovered and good to good.

Bad News is this: I Saw a new Doctor on that Monday – who failed to check me out properly. I am failing to ever see him again.

Since then, I have been focusing on getting things straighten out – they are now – and getting ready and planning for 2019.

2019 is going to be a Great Year – and I will make it that way. Having the Pneumonia was a bit of a wakeup call – I got myself straighten out and actual have started getting my focus and mojo going again.

2018 is ending nicely.

2019 is going to start with a Bang.

And keep on going.

For the first time in a long time, and after a lot of introspection, I feel like myself again.

In 2019 it is time to turn anything Negative into a Positive.

It’s also time to put my personal motto back into effect:

Ace Masters

Sunday, November 25, 2018

State of the Master - Blogs Hiatus

State of the Master

Well, I’ve said this before, I will say it again: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

In August I put out a Blog Statement announcing I was putting my Blogs to a Monthly Schedule for the remainder of 2018 – excluding Raw Flesh.

The plan was to put them back on track on 2019.

Not long after posting that, after much consideration, I decided to put all Blogs, including RAW FLESH, on hiatus until 2019.

This was supposed to have been announced weeks ago, but didn’t happened because I was sick and spent Halloween in the hospital with pneumonia. Getting better was a more of a priority then posting.

In the New Year, the Blogs will return starting from scratch. I need to prioritize certain things and this is the best decision at the moment – and will be better for the Blogs in the long run.

Upon their return The Burning Mind, This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review and Raw Flesh will be posted on a Monthly Basis. As the year progresses and things play out I may post more often, perhaps even moving back to a bi-weekly or weekly schedule.

Right now, a monthly schedule will be best.

I will however return to doing the Burning Mind weekly Reviews each Saturday.

Wrestlementary will be handled differently – an actual format for Wrestlementary will be figured out and announced later.

All Blogs Will Return with ‘State of’ initial posts on:

  • Monday, December 31st – State of the Master
  • Tuesday, January 1st – Wrestlementary
  • Wednesday, January 2nd – The Burning Mind
  • Thursday, January 3rd – This Is A True Story
  • Friday, January 4th – What I Watch I Review
  • Sunday, January 6th – Raw Flesh

Then, they will resume being posted on what is (for now) planned as the regular Schedule:

  • The Burning Mind – Wednesday, January 9th; Then the FIRST Wednesday of Each Month
  • This Is A True Story – Thursday, January 17; Then the SECOND Thursday of Each Month
  • What I Watch I Review – Friday, January 25; Then the THIRD Friday of Each Month
  • Raw Flesh – Sunday, January 27th, Then the FOURTH Sunday of Each Month
  • State of the Master – The Last Day of Each Month
  • Wrestlementary – TBA

So, for January expect two posts per Blog, then monthly after that. With Wrestlementary’s schedule to come.

I will still be making periodical postings to Facebook and Twitter with updates as we close in on the New Year.


Ace Masters.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

State of the Master: A Blog Statement

Sometimes hard decisions need to be made. Sometimes what we think are hard decisions aren’t, we just don’t like them. Sometimes I get so backed up on projects and things to do I won’t admit that I need to back off – failure in a way.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies.

I’ve written on this before in my State of the Master Blog a few times. I usually don’t open my heart out online – but the reason I am doing so right now is I do know that my Blogs do have some followers – Especially Wrestlementary and RAW FLESH.

While 2018 has been a freaking great year, I haven’t done so great on my projects. Yeah, I’ve made great strides on getting back into my writing, but haven’t really finished much. I have defiantly been very lackluster on my Blogs.

Few and far between have been my Blog posts – even when I have claimed “This time” will be a ‘real’ return to blogging – I’ve not done it to any real degree.

Recently I’ve gotten somewhat back on track, but not enough.

So, long story short – I am announcing a change to my Blogs effective immediately:
The Burning Mind, This is a True Story, What I Watch I Review and Wrestlementary will be going monthly for the remainder of 2018, starting September. In December I will decide whether to keep the Blogs monthly, or try going back to the originally planned schedules.

Trying to do all these weekly – while writing other projects – is a little much at the moment. That is one big failing of mine – trying to do everything at one time.

So, my Blogging Schedule will be as follows:

This is a True Story – Monthly – The First Thursday of each month.

What I Watch I Review – Monthly – The Second Friday of each month.

The Burning Mind – Monthly – The Fourth Wednesday of each Month

However, I do plan on doing my weekly comic book reviews.

Wrestlementary – Monthly – This will be handled a little differently. For the remainder of this year I will focus on the Main Roster WWE, as I am behind on other promotions, and NXT.

The monthly format for Wrestlementary will be this: On the Thursday before each PPV I will post a monthly RAW and Smackdown Live piece discussing the happenings of the last month leading into the PPV. Friday I will preview the PPV with a breakdown of the Build to it, and the matches on the Card. Saturday I will post my official predictions.

The following Wednesday I will post my thoughts on the PPV and the Fallout.

I plan on being up-to-date on other wrestling shows I am behind on and discussing them again in the New Year.

Now, my final Blog: The serialized ‘Zombie’ story RAW FLESH.

This will NOT be effected by any changes. It will continue weekly as planned.

As I wrote above I am putting this out there because I do know people follow my Blogs, and I want to give them a heads up (this time).

Making this change is a bit of a hard decision, because I want to keep ALL them going weekly. A big part of me also wants to try and write and post every single planned blog posting I have missed. But this is the right decision right now.

This is also going to allow me to get other non-writing things down as well, and some personal and work related issues out of the way without putting the stress on myself to get these done and then not doing them.

This is part of what I have talked about in my State of the Master Blogs: making positive changes/moves in my life and stop being my own worst enemy.



Monday, July 30, 2018

State of the Master - July 30, 2018: FRUSTRATED!

My State this time around is more FRUSTRATED than anything. I had planned to get stuff done this month, streamline things, making some changes and write a good State of the Master this time around.

Maybe even more than one for the month.

Well, very little of that happened – I did get a lot written for Raw Flesh – but other stuff not so much. It’s really frustrating, as I had announced and planned that July, my birth month, would in effect by my Re-Birth.

Somehow along the way I got stuck in the Birth Canal!

I am a firm believer that one can often hold themselves back – and I know I have done that – I am also a firm believer that other people – knowingly or not – can affect one’s life negatively and hold one back from moving forward.

One of the major things I have been doing this year is cutting out the negative people from my life. The biggest and worse of these negative people are long gone fortunately. Some people, unfortunately, stick around like flies – unable or unwilling to understand that they are not wanted.

People sometimes can be a negative effect on one’s life without even trying, which brings me to now. The first week or so was going good and then things started to get sidetrack on Wednesday, July 11th. That was the day the home phone rang and my mom answered due to it being someone we know – bad news, her neighbor – someone else we know – fell.

This 82- year old woman who refuses help, doesn’t want anyone around her and refuses to have a Life Alert fell, claims she was laying there for 12 hours, and wouldn’t call 911. Nope. She called her neighbor, 87, to help her. The neighbor call 911.

Long story short, the woman who fell has been in the hospital and rehab for 16 days with a fractured hip. Since she lives in the Sun City Retirement community and no one there likes or will help her because of her attitude – guess who’s doing it?

Well, I did a little running around for her, and my Mom has tried to help with things, but the part that has really sent things spiral down is her Boston Terrier . . .  excuse me the Boston Terrible also known as just THE TERROR.

For the last fifteen days I have been dog sitting a Boston Terror . . . and it has been a terror of an experience. This little terror is a Five year old, defiant, vicious little XXX that has never been trained and has been allowed to have the run of everything in the lady’s house and never disciplined.

It pees and poops inside her house (it’s a pigsty) and it has continued that behavior here.

This dog doesn’t know basic commands, goes to the bathroom inside my house, will not leave my dog alone and turns if I (or my mom) tries to discipline her. She’s even bit me on my hand, and ruined some of my shoes.

This unwanted house guest has thrown everything into disarray. I spent more time trying to discipline and train the little XXX then doing anything else – especially the writing I had planned to get done!

This feels like an excuse, and partially probably is, but it is hard to try and get anything done when I spend 99% of my time trying to keep this little XXX under control.

The good news is, as of this writing, the lady is out of the hospital and the little XXX is out of my hair.

Part of this is also my fault, I’ve allowed this crap to get to me. I’ve had a hard enough time trying to focus and keep on what I need to do without havening to deal with other people’s problems or fix their mistakes.

Ok, that’s off my chest – thanks for listening.

This is one of the things I need to change and am working on. Not letting things get to me and affect me negatively. As I have all too often over the last few years.

Now, even though I am behind – again – my plan is to moved forward in August and do what I had planned for July – and not let things get in the way! I need to stop letting things STOP ME!

The Re Launch of my blogs will now happen in August, starting on Wednesday, August 1 with WHY COMICS at the Burning Mind Blog, and will go forward to all my Blogs from there.

This probably feels like a bitch blog, but I needed to vent. I also believe I owed a reason for the lack of blogging to the people who do follow my blogs.

Ace Masters.