Monday, July 30, 2018

State of the Master - July 30, 2018: FRUSTRATED!

My State this time around is more FRUSTRATED than anything. I had planned to get stuff done this month, streamline things, making some changes and write a good State of the Master this time around.

Maybe even more than one for the month.

Well, very little of that happened – I did get a lot written for Raw Flesh – but other stuff not so much. It’s really frustrating, as I had announced and planned that July, my birth month, would in effect by my Re-Birth.

Somehow along the way I got stuck in the Birth Canal!

I am a firm believer that one can often hold themselves back – and I know I have done that – I am also a firm believer that other people – knowingly or not – can affect one’s life negatively and hold one back from moving forward.

One of the major things I have been doing this year is cutting out the negative people from my life. The biggest and worse of these negative people are long gone fortunately. Some people, unfortunately, stick around like flies – unable or unwilling to understand that they are not wanted.

People sometimes can be a negative effect on one’s life without even trying, which brings me to now. The first week or so was going good and then things started to get sidetrack on Wednesday, July 11th. That was the day the home phone rang and my mom answered due to it being someone we know – bad news, her neighbor – someone else we know – fell.

This 82- year old woman who refuses help, doesn’t want anyone around her and refuses to have a Life Alert fell, claims she was laying there for 12 hours, and wouldn’t call 911. Nope. She called her neighbor, 87, to help her. The neighbor call 911.

Long story short, the woman who fell has been in the hospital and rehab for 16 days with a fractured hip. Since she lives in the Sun City Retirement community and no one there likes or will help her because of her attitude – guess who’s doing it?

Well, I did a little running around for her, and my Mom has tried to help with things, but the part that has really sent things spiral down is her Boston Terrier . . .  excuse me the Boston Terrible also known as just THE TERROR.

For the last fifteen days I have been dog sitting a Boston Terror . . . and it has been a terror of an experience. This little terror is a Five year old, defiant, vicious little XXX that has never been trained and has been allowed to have the run of everything in the lady’s house and never disciplined.

It pees and poops inside her house (it’s a pigsty) and it has continued that behavior here.

This dog doesn’t know basic commands, goes to the bathroom inside my house, will not leave my dog alone and turns if I (or my mom) tries to discipline her. She’s even bit me on my hand, and ruined some of my shoes.

This unwanted house guest has thrown everything into disarray. I spent more time trying to discipline and train the little XXX then doing anything else – especially the writing I had planned to get done!

This feels like an excuse, and partially probably is, but it is hard to try and get anything done when I spend 99% of my time trying to keep this little XXX under control.

The good news is, as of this writing, the lady is out of the hospital and the little XXX is out of my hair.

Part of this is also my fault, I’ve allowed this crap to get to me. I’ve had a hard enough time trying to focus and keep on what I need to do without havening to deal with other people’s problems or fix their mistakes.

Ok, that’s off my chest – thanks for listening.

This is one of the things I need to change and am working on. Not letting things get to me and affect me negatively. As I have all too often over the last few years.

Now, even though I am behind – again – my plan is to moved forward in August and do what I had planned for July – and not let things get in the way! I need to stop letting things STOP ME!

The Re Launch of my blogs will now happen in August, starting on Wednesday, August 1 with WHY COMICS at the Burning Mind Blog, and will go forward to all my Blogs from there.

This probably feels like a bitch blog, but I needed to vent. I also believe I owed a reason for the lack of blogging to the people who do follow my blogs.

Ace Masters.

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