Sunday, July 27, 2014

The State of the Master

The State of the Master

The State of the Master was originally launched back on January 1st, of this year (2014). The intent of this was/is to be more of a personal blog, where I will discuss my projects, personal thoughts and ideas.

My plan had been to start writing on the blog back in January, but – as with my other blogs, projects and life – suffering a brain aneurysm on Wednesday, January 29th and spending two weeks in the hospital put all that on hold.

2014 was a year I had big things planned, little did I realize those big things would dwindle down to one thing: living.

Needless to say, this has not been the year I planned.

I suffered a brain aneurysm, my aunt died from cancer while I was in the hospital, my turtle Max died while I was in the hospital and I had to put my believed dog Lady down to due cancer.

It has been a hard year, but here’s a secret – I’m harder.

I am doing excellent with a near perfect clean bill of health. I just need to do checkups and have an angiogram twice a year for a while, to make sure the blood vessel that raptured is holding together.

Despite my health scare, I have not changed my lifestyle or my outlook on life. I have had people tell me I have changed, for whatever reason – but they don’t know me very well.

My outlook on life has always been the same: Life is for living, so live it.

What is the meaning of life is a simple question to me, with a simple answer. The Meaning of life is Life Itself.

Today, July 27th is my 40th Birthday! For the first time since sometime in my twenties, I am having a birthday celebration! Even while I was in the hospital, I never doubted I would be fine, but I am still fortunate to be here. Thanks go to: my dog Zoie who found me and alerted my mom, my mom, an excellent surgeon, Doctor David Wilson and the support of great friends (Dave Parrish, Ron Summers, Ken and Sue Brown, Clay Stubblefield, Nikki Early), not to mention my cousin across the Pond in the UK Jon Paul, who facebooked me every day, checking up on me..

For me, this 40th birthday is special. I am not celebrating my birthday, but life itself.

For all those who ask, I am doing GREAT.

Is it amazing how one’s outlook and attitude can affect them.

I look at my aneurysm like this: It happened. There was nothing I could do about it then – except recover, which I have.

There is nothing I can do about it now. I refuse to dwell on it, be depressed or miserable and let it destroy my life. Instead, I will let it drive me even more to succeed!

Success such as returning to studying artwork, and already making greats strides, something I had let slip for over a decade.

For the rest of 2014, I am going to define success by continuing my recovery, learning new skills, prepping and planning new projects (short films, comic books, etc.), LIVING LIFE and looking forward to making 2015 The Year of the Master.

“Life is for living, never let anything stop you.” - Me

Thanks for reading.


Ace Masters

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