Saturday, November 8, 2014



Well, if anyone read my State of the Master post last Friday, then you know about my Novel Challenge and that I said I would post daily word count updates to my Facebook and full updates each Saturday.

This is the first full update. Unfortunately, my writing on the book of Sven Vaunder has not gone well, and not because of any writer’s block. Sometime last Saturday afternoon I injured my right arm, causing a lot of swelling and crushing a nerve.

This has been causing me a lot of pain and numbness in my hand. It will heal and be fine, but it has prevented me from writing as much as I wanted, and from doing many other things. I can write for a little while, but then my hand starts to hurt. Being right handed makes it worse.

So to this point, I have written a little over 4,000 words, a far cry from the 2,000 words a day I wanted. Tomorrow is a new week, and I will pick it up. I survived a brain aneurysm. I can easily survive this.

Next week I plan to have a much better update and a far better word count.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Order of Business

Welcome to my first State of the Master Blog entry for November. Actually, this is my fourth Blog entry for today in total, considering The Burning Mind and Wrestlementary. Yeah me, for multiple blog entries.

There is something I want to state upfront, I am happy, and I have a great life and great friends (Dave Parrish, Ken Brown and Sue Brown, Chris Rose, Ken chancellor, Clay Stubblefield, to name a few), just wanted to mention that.

Okay, I want to get the least orders of business out of the way first:

Burning Mind – I have posted a State of the Burning Mind blog today, mostly concerning the hiatus of the blog:

Wrestlementary – A State of Wrestlementary blog has gone up as well, giving some details of plans for the future of the blog:

The main order of business for this post, and this month, is National Novel Writing Month. As of this posting I am not entering the official contest (I’m disqualified according to the rules), but I am going to take the challenge. For those who don’t know, National Novel Writing Month is a challenge/contest to write a 50,000-word novel.

I don’t care about entering the contest, or winning prizes. This isn’t a hobby for me. Writing is my life. I am taking the challenge to kick-start myself back into writing fiction after a long year. My goal is to reach 60,000 words by November 30, 2000 words a day.

I will chronicle my progress on this blog and my Facebook. At 12AM every day, I will post the amount of words I have written that day, and the total words count to that date on Facebook. Every Saturday evening, I will post an update on my progress to this blog.

I will not be posting this novel online anywhere, so anyone following this will have to take me on faith. I do however plan to submit this novel to publishers when ready.

The story I am going to write is entitled The Book of Sven Vaunder. This is a concept that came to me last Sunday night, while I sat outside, staring at the stars and sipping on a coke. It is a fantasy story that will be written in first person and told as a series of journal entries, memoir style.

As I wrote above, I am taking this more as a personal challenge. I need to do this. This year has been tough, and a long recovery. I plan to make this my spring broad back into taking my writing seriously again and moving it up to the next level. A level I have not been at for quite some while.

Ace Masters.