Saturday, November 8, 2014



Well, if anyone read my State of the Master post last Friday, then you know about my Novel Challenge and that I said I would post daily word count updates to my Facebook and full updates each Saturday.

This is the first full update. Unfortunately, my writing on the book of Sven Vaunder has not gone well, and not because of any writer’s block. Sometime last Saturday afternoon I injured my right arm, causing a lot of swelling and crushing a nerve.

This has been causing me a lot of pain and numbness in my hand. It will heal and be fine, but it has prevented me from writing as much as I wanted, and from doing many other things. I can write for a little while, but then my hand starts to hurt. Being right handed makes it worse.

So to this point, I have written a little over 4,000 words, a far cry from the 2,000 words a day I wanted. Tomorrow is a new week, and I will pick it up. I survived a brain aneurysm. I can easily survive this.

Next week I plan to have a much better update and a far better word count.

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