Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 - The Year I Am Back!!

Ok, I am going to get this out of the way first:


Yes, I know that isn’t a word, but it is now.

Now I want to wish everyone who reads this

This is obviously my first blog post of the New Year, and my first blog of any sort in a few months. The State of the Master Blog was always planned to be every two weeks, and on a Sunday. I decided to jump the gun for this post, with this being the first and all.

I also plan to try and keep to the every two week schedule, but don’t be surprised if I don’t.

With this post I want to state my first and biggest intentions for 2016 – which is for it to be a good year. O:-)

2014 and 2015 weren’t overly kind. 2014 was derailed by my aneurysm, and 2015 derailed by injuries to myself and my mother. So I am looking for to a health problem-injury-free 2016.

Because of the aneurysm, I took 2015 off from projects by request of my mother and advice of my doctor, after my last angiogram in September 2014. Both just wanted to give me another full year to be sure of my recovery. And my recovery is FOR SURE!

2016 is my year to get back on track. I doubt I will film anything this year, but it might happen. My focus is going to be on my writing, with a lesser degree on art. I plan on finishing some projects, editing and polishing off others and submitting out tons of short stories and comic book projects.

One major goal this year is to prep projects and business plans, with the idea to start looking for investors in 2017.

No matter what happens, I am going to make 2016 a great year.

Ace Masters.

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