Sunday, November 27, 2016

State of the Master - 11/27/2016

This is probably going to be a very brief State of the Master, given that I really one have one thing to say.

I am caught up on all my blogs! My goal this month was to get completely caught up on Burning Mind, This is a True Story and What I Watch I Review, not to mention Wrestlementary, and I have done just that.

I am still posting on Burning Mind through Wednesday, but am basically done.

Other than that, I have been working on side projects I hope to have done soon.

On a personal level, things are really good. My little health scare a few months ago is non-existence and I am suffering no ill effect from my brain aneurysm.

For all those who ask me about that, I am good. Thank you.

Right now I am turning my attention to 2017 and gearing up for what I want to accomplish this coming year.

Later Ace.

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