Sunday, January 31, 2016


Hello All,

Well, as I write this, it is the 31 of January, and this year is doing well so far. This past Wednesday was two years to the day I survived my Brain Aneurysm. This past Friday was two years to the date (1/29/2014).

How’d I spend this rather unwelcome anniversary? I went to not one but TWO local indie wrestling events and spend time with good friends. In other words, LIVING LIFE.

January has been a very good month. One of the things I am really happy about is that I have gotten all my Blogs out on time! Well almost, this weekend’s Burning Mind Review was a day late (, and Wrestlementary WrapUp for Week 4 will be late this week, on Monday or Tuesday.

Now, I just need more people to read them!

If you missed any, here are the links:

Burning Mind:
Obi-wan and Anakin:

Rejoice in Star Wars:

Sheriff of Babylon:


The Horror of Yore:

Phonogram – The Immaterial Girl:


This is a True Story:
May The Coke Be With You:

Crazy Cook Book:

Hey, His Jacket:

What’s Wrong With You?:

What I Watch I Review:
Star Wars: The Forces Awakens:


WrapUp Week 1:

WrapUp Week 2:

WrapUp Week 3:

And comment please, positive and negative welcome. Not all need to agree with me.

I didn’t quite get everything I wanted to get done this month, but I am extremely pleased with everything I did get done. Which included returning to writing as often as I can, not just my blogs, but also my novel The Book of Sven Vaunder.

Hope all is well for everyone.

Be good.

Later, Ace.

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