Saturday, March 26, 2016

State of the Master 3/26/2016

First thing first, I am okay. I’ve had a people few message me asking that since I have been quite the last few weeks.

Secondly, I was pleasantly surprised that I received a few messages asking about missed blogs. That made me feel good.

Normally I would post my State of the Master Blog on Sundays, but I am posting this early because I hope to do a little catch up starting Sunday.

First, I want to lay out why I have been quite. The last few weeks have been a very hectic, filled with crap and frankly stressfully to the point of making me pissy. Yes, I wrote pissy. Issues have ranged from two plumbing leaks in the house (Kitchen and Bathroom), people (clients) expecting way too much and my mom still being sick – and many people diagnosing what it going on with her.

The most important of these things is my mother, of course. She is over her bout with Bronchitis, but is still having a bad cough. For the most part it seems to be allergies, but I am trying to get her to see the doctor and at least get x-rays. Her regular doctor this time, not his fellow doctor in the practice that gave her medicine she should never have been on.

That is part of the problem with our clients. Many are diagnosing my mother with everything from a collapse lung, empahzuema and even the Zeka Virus! Idiots. Some are even given her THEIR prescription meds and claiming they will make her better. My mother is too smart to actually take the meds, fortunately.

These fools could kill my mother as they have no idea of her medical history or what meds she is on regularly. I do. At least one the meds a client tried to get her to take has a severe reaction when combined with one of my mom’s meds. It’s called DEATH!

The other issues that has lasted a few weeks is leaks in the house. A small leak in the kitchen and a massive leak in the bathroom. Fortunately both leaks were in the drainpipe, so as long as we didn’t use the sinks all was good. Bad news is that the insurance denied coverage on both leaks.

One plumber tried to scam my mom for two grand, even going so far as to ask what I had to do with anything and why I was even at the house. Of course, I kicked his ass out. Along with the help of one of our clients, I ended up fixing both leaks myself. And reinjuring my shoulder in the process.

One thing that really pisses me off, is people offering my time to other people and telling them I will do things for them - without me ever knowing. I got a call two weeks ago from a woman I had never meet demanding to know where I was. Turns out one of our clients told her I would be over to her house to do work for her. Yet, no one told me, and I never agreed to anything. Because of two clients, I have had to deal with this issue a lot lately.

Some of these people have even gone to the HOA and tried to get me pulled as a vendor, claiming I am not doing the work. I had to, and did, prove that I never knew anything about these ‘gigs’ and three of the people who made complaints, admitted they had never talked to me.

The good news is that all this crap is now cleared up and I can move on and return to my blogs and other projects! Yeah.

I know this sounds bitchy and complaining, but I needed to vent. Thanks.

The Blogs:

Now that things are cleared up, I have decided to use the remainder of March to get blogs caught up. I am going to get back to projects starting April 1.

THIS IS A TRUE STORY and WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW will return on Thursday and Friday. I have not decided if I will try and catch up on the missed postings, or just go from here. I will make my decision and post it on Thursday or Friday with the new Blogs.

BURNING MIND: I will get caught up on my reviews for The Burning Mind at least. Most of what I had intended to review have been written, I just didn’t get around to posting. I will probably post all of them this week, and be caught up with my reviews by next Saturday. As for articles, I am not going to get caught up on them, just move forward.

WRESTLEMENTARY: This is the big Blog that has been neglected. I have done nothing with it in the last weeks. Every year around this time (Rumble to Mania) I plan to do a lot, and it hasn’t happened the last two years. Once again something popped up this year.

Well, I am going to do something starting tomorrow (Sunday). Every day this week I am going to post Road to WrestleMania Blogs. These will start tomorrow with a general recap of the RAWS and SMACKDOWNS I haven’t covered and thoughts on storylines so far. The road will continue as I will post a piece everyday breaking down each match on the card.

On Sunday, I will post my official predictions for the Card.

I will NOT cover TNA this week. Next week I will give my thought on TNA and get caught up. After that I will write about Lucha Underground – something I am really backed up on.

Okay, that’s it for now.



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