Sunday, November 13, 2016


Well, look at this a State of the Master Blog right on time! Can you believe it? I barely can. ;-)

So far, November is going along very smooth, and life is good.

Why? Because I am getting things done. I laid out a schedule for myself and laid it to bare in the last ‘State of’ blog . . . and I have kept to it!

Wrestlementary is caught up, and What I Watch I Review is on track – This is A True Story is coming up, with Burning Mind to follow.

My week long catch-up for What I Watch I Review – posting daily – is done. What I Watch I Review is almost caught up. This week I will post the last of my catch up reviews on Wednesday, Thursday and What I Watch I Review’s normal day Friday. With this, What I Watch I Review will be completely caught up!

Starting this week (today in fact) my focus turns to This is A True Story through the 19th. To be honest though, I didn’t realize how far behind I was on This Is A True Story, so blogs on that will continue daily or bi-daily well into December to get caught up. The same goes for The Burning Mind, once I start posting those on the 20th.

This may not mean a whole lot to anyone, but it does to me. Getting back on track and getting these caught up is good for my psyche . . . I’m finally getting back into writing, and more will come from that.



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