Sunday, October 30, 2016


It has been a while since I posted a State of the Master blog, so here we go.

Well, it is one day till Halloween (my favorite ‘Holiday’) and the next to last day of October.

October . . . October. A very hectic and busy month for me . . . but an exceptionally good one.

I finally got the house renovations done my mother asked me to do (both bathrooms), made headway on writing projects, attended five (5) wrestling events, including a Smackdown show, and made a new close personal friend.

I will write about the wrestling shows for upcoming Wrestlementary Blog posts, and will talk more about my new close personal friend in a This Is A True Story blog post. But, I do want to mention something here though.

This was the highlight on the month; meeting my new close personal friend: Jamilyn.
My business part and best friend Dave and I first meet when he approached me about being in a scene for a film he was making. It was to be with an actress named Jamilyn. Dave and I went on to make other films, but this one has yet to materialize. For the last few years Dave has told me about Jamilyn (and her about me).

About two weeks ago she was here in town and we finally meet. There is no doubt that she is a lady (in the truest sense of that word), and a kind and gentle soul. The event we attended that evening was terrible, but the night was good.

I’ll discuss the event (Extreme Midget Wrestling) and the night in more detail in upcoming blogs.

That was October. November is coming in two days. And speaking of Blogs, my blogs are going to be my focus for November. Big surprise that I am behind on my blogs, again. By the end of November I should be caught up though.

I plan on posting all previous blogs that were supposed to be posted by the end of this month. The idea is to focus on one blog per week – posting daily.

Nov 1 – 5: Wrestlementary is going to be the first focus, posting my EOM and thoughts on recent indie events.

Nov 6 – 12: For this week I will post one movie review a day.

Nov 13 – 19: True Stories from my life coming daily for this week.

Nov 20 – 30: This is the big bad I am behind on. To that end it gets the most time: 11 days, 11 Burning Mind Reviews.

I will have my next State of the Master up in two weeks. I hope at that time I can write that I have kept to this schedule. Even more so I hope to say I am having another good month.

Hope all is well, with all of you.


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