Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st

Hey Yo.

Well, if you read my post back on November 1st you would know that I had planned on unofficially doing the National Novel Writing Month challenge. I had also planned on posting daily word counts to Facebook and weekly notes on this blog.

Unfortunately, little of that happened because I suffered a shoulder and arm injury on the second. The injury, which is still healing, caused massive muscle swelling, crushing the nerves in my arm. This caused me a lot of pain, even when writing.

The unfortunate news is I didn’t make the 50,000 word count. The good news is I did make 30,000.

This is NOT a failure. This month was a success. If not for the arm injury, I would have shattered the 50,000 word count. I also succeeded in what I really wanted to do, kick start myself back into writing.

And boy, did it feel good to be writing again. I have done some writing this year, but this was the first real creative writing, fiction writing. Not writing reviews or commentary.

The Book of Sven Vaunder is taking shape, and may not have been a good choice for the challenge. I thought I could write this as a novella, but it is going to be more than that. It has also started to take on a life and depth that I didn’t expect, and that is a good thing.

Now it is time for the holidays. So have fun and rejoice.

I can’t wait for 2015!

Ace Masters

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