Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The End of the Year, The End of Fear

Hello All!

As I post this there is 6 hours left in 2014 (Arizona Time). While the turning of the calendar and the idea of starting anew is subjective, I am truly looking forward to turning a new page and starting a new year, and literally trying to ‘start anew.’

I am doing great, and 2014 has truly ended on a good note, and as a good year. However, it didn’t start out so well.

Starting out a year by flatling is not a good thing. I did exactly that on January 29, and spent a nice 17-day vacation in Good Samaritan hospital. I spent most of this year recovering, with a lot of people in fear that it would happen again.

Oddly, I wasn’t one of them.

This year was utterly derailed because of the aneurysm, both mentally and physically I had to rest, take care, and literally NOT do many of the things I had planned.

The thing that bugged me the most this past year wasn’t the aneurysm itself, or the numerous angiogram follow ups. It was a handful of people who continually insisted that this experience had to have ‘changed me.’

They can’t seem to grasp not only how good I am doing, but how I am the same person I have always been.

I look upon what happened like this, it happened, I dealt with it. I lived. I live. That’s it.

If it had any impact on me in ‘changing me’ it was this, I believe life is for LIVING, this incident just affirmed that even more. So, that is what I do LIVE.

2014 was derailed, but ended up a good year.

I am looking positively foward to 2015. I have the train back on the tracks, heading forward full steam.

My personal motto:
“I never lose, I never fail, I never falter
I learn, I evolve, I grow stronger.”

Ace Masters.

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