Tuesday, August 1, 2017

State of The Master - August 2017

Hello All – and by All I mean Friends and All Others.

Well, it has been a while since I wrote a State of the Master, in fact this the first of the year! I figure it’s about time, considering I have received a lot of Happy Birthdays this past week (Wonder Why 😋?!), and people asking me how I am doing.

First, thank you for the Happy Birthdays! If I haven’t responded to you, sorry. I Will.
As for how I am doing? The Answer: GREAT! Really.

I’m doing great and 2017 has been a great year so far and the rest is shaping up nicely.

This past January marked three years since my Anyersum, except for yearly – and soon to be bi-yearly – checkups, it is mostly a non-issue. The only other issue I have had, an injured shoulder, is finally mending as well!

All in All I am doing great. Except in one area where I have been slacking off: PROJECTS!

Especially my Blogs. I haven’t written much for This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review or WrestleMentary in the last few weeks, and barely at all for the Burning Mind. I am looking to change that this month and get all my blogs back up and running. I am not going to try and get caught up with lost posts, just start from scratch.

In truth I haven’t done much writing at all. Going forward (for the remainder of 2017 at least) I am going to focus on Articles, Freelancer Writing and my poetry. I am also prepping some comic book projects for submission soon.

In addition I am back to working on a HUSH HUSH Project that I hope will be making round in 2018.

Well I think that is all for now. I won’t take so long to write again. (I think. Maybe.)



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