Sunday, June 3, 2018

This is my First State of the Master Blog for the year of 2018! Only five months in!

So far, this year’s mostly been good, but also has been a rollercoaster.

In life and in my many projects I am caught up on some things and way behind on many others. Way behind.

I kept meaning to write and post a State of the Master piece monthly as originally planned, but there has always been one problem: As much as I love to write, I hate writing about myself. I am my least favorite subject to write about. That’s one reason I have never kept a journal.

Though this blog was never 100% planned to be about me. A mixture of me, my projects and my ongoing blogs. Truly my attempt to keep, or make myself, more active on Social Media. Mostly a fail there: 

Three things have prompted me to sit down and right this piece: Seeing a new Doctor, reconnecting with a few people and reconnecting with old friends I haven’t seen in years.

The common thread? My Aneurysm. (Though I do wish it wasn’t.)

With the Doctor, I’ve known him for a while, he is my mother’s Doctor, but I have only just started seeing him. Since it was my first visit with him, he went through my medical history, focusing on the Aneurysm for obvious reason.

With a few people I have ran into and reconnected with (acquaintances and former co-workers), that I haven’t seen in while, but knew about the Aneurysm, the Aneurysm became the first topic of conversation.

Same with three old friends I have somehow ran into in May: one an old girlfriend, another my best friend from college. None knew about the Aneurysm, but it became a topic anyway – along with my father’s death (it has been a long time since I had seen these friends.)

I am very glad to reconnect with a few of these people. I don’t mind talking about the Aneurysm, my father’s death not so much.

But this is what prompted me to write this State of the Master for 2018 finally!

I am going to touch on a few topics here: Me, because so many people asked about me; Changes I am working on personally and Projects.

First off, I want to thank everyone I know, and especially Facebook friends and twitter followers I don’t know, for showing care and asking me how I am doing. At least once or twice a week I get a message from someone I have never meet in person, who asks how I am doing in relation to the Aneurysm. For that, again, Thank You. Sorry to anyone I failed to respond to.

The answer to how I am doing in relation to the Aneurysm? Great!

That is not even my answer! It is the answer from the Doctor, whose name you wouldn’t believe, who did my last checkup and helped perform my surgery. Doctor SunnShine told me everything is great, there’s been no growth in the Aneurysm area, the repairs and healing of the blood vessel are great and I don’t need another checkup for three years.

I still have his voicemail on my phone. 

My health is excellent, despite being a little sick in January (which put me behind on writing) and fighting an infection right now.

Never believe anyone when they say All Natural products can’t affect you negatively – and many people do say that. I am currently on some heavy duties meds to fight an infection caused by a reaction to a new All Natural soap I started using.

Hypoallergenic my ass. An ingredient in this soap can cause Contact Dermitis – which it did, along with constant itching, burning, boils, rash and finally full bore infection. Bad news I have been dealing with this for the last few weeks.

Lastly, with the Great all clear and my tendon shoulder injury finally getting better, I have finally started and kept to a workout routine for more than a week. Since the Aneurysm, I limited my exercising and weightlifting by Doctor’s order for the first two years, then just got lazy.

My Six Pack is a thing of the past, and hopefully will be a thing of the future again. Current goals are to drop weight, tone up, then bulk back up. I use to go about 235 to 240 with about 20 inch biceps and around 15% body fat. Right now, around 250, higher body fat and 17 inch biceps. That needs to change.
Getting into better shape is not the only change I am working on. There’s ME as well.

I’m someone that always strives to be better – not just at doing things, but at being. As in being a better person.

There are things I am working on changing about myself this year – and I am really trying. Many of these are things I have become lazidasical about over the last few years, and not just since the Aneurysm.

Some things I am working on are just me: personality wise, mood wise . . . attitude wise. Certain quirks that I know are iffy at best and I want to change, but it takes time.

Other things I want to change are such things as: priorities, focus, working on projects, getting things back on track and getting things done. Being more reliable.

There was a time when I was “Mister Get it Done.” There was no question about, I got things done, and I had the drive, motivation and passion to do things, especially when it came to my one true love – WRITING.

The Aneurysm had no effects on that. But my father’s death did. After he died I started slacking off, just didn’t feel like doing things. I didn’t deliver articles on time for the Burning Mind when it was at Comic’s Bulletin. I didn’t follow up on opportunities like I should have.

Yes, I still got stuff done - a couple of short films, Web Series, short stories – but not as Go To as I was. My Dad had been a big part of many of my projects, especially Masterpiece Comics.

I just slacked off, I know many people would disagree, but I know how I was before and how I became.
Then the Aneurysm hit and I allowed myself to slack even more.

That is one of my biggest changes I am working on: To Refocus on things. To being the guy that gets things done. Not just on time, but ahead of time. Being the guy that gets things done others don’t.

So, here is the long and short of it. Over the last few years I know I have done and achieved some things. I also know I could have done so much MORE.

I had a lot I want to get done in the first half of 2018, and maybe done around 40% of it. Mostly because of a bad habit I have of trying to get EVERYTHING done at the same time. That is part of what my refocus needs to be: Prioritizing and focusing on getting projects done one or two at a time, not ALL of them at one time.

I took May off from any projects to just relax, look over all my plans and decided on what needs to be done now, and what can wait.

In June I am going to prep for the second half of 2018. I have chosen to focus on my Blogs (BURNING MIIND, RAW FLESH, THIS IS A TRUE STORY, WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW and WRESTLEMENTARY) as continuing projects and four other writing projects I will work on one-at-a-time until each is finished or as near to finished as it can be.

It may sound big headed, but I know that at 43 I am a more mature and better person then the hothead I use to be. I also know that hothead was more driven. It’s time for me to combine those two natures NOW.

I have always lived by this motto:


It’s time to start living that what again.

JULY 1ST – I will be reborn.


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