Sunday, July 1, 2018

Well, Hello and welcome to the first of July!

The month I mentioned in my last (and only of the year) State of the Master Blog that I would be reborn. I plan on living up to that.

A good first start is this post is up, on time, on the 1st of the month. A second good sign is the upcoming first story post to RAW FLESH in a few months – on time as well.

I mentioned in my last State of the Master that two important changes I am working on are focusing on projects and the right things, and not trying to get everything done at one time.

Well the good news is that I have succeed on focusing, I’ve streamlined a lot and on now focusing on the priority projects. On life in general I’m doing the same, focusing on the good things, and cutting out the negative. 

Where I have had less success, but not failure, is in the idea of not trying to do everything at one time. I’m still trying to get too many things done at the same time, and am working to break this habit.

Because I have taken specific steps I achieved most of what I wanted to do in June projects wise and have set up the second half of 2018 for reaching more goals than I did in the first half.

As I said – REBORN.

My only real concern is my nagging skin infection – I have now seen a specialist who has given me a different diagnosis then my primary Doctor – and who echoed something the Pharmacist mentioned to me – that the steroids my Doctor put me on only made things worse.


But I’ve been through worse.

In another note July is a special month – on the 27th I celebrate my Birthday! Old enough to know better, and NOT CARE!

Okay, that’s it for now. I am hoping next month to have a little more to say and some info on projects.



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