Sunday, July 3, 2016

State of the Master 7/3/2016

Hello All,

Well, this has been one Hell of a great year so far!

No, I haven’t gotten quite the amount of stuff I wanted to get done, done, but that is all good. The stuff I have done and what I have achieved made up for it.

I have been really quiet on my Blogs and Social Media. In fact I haven’t posted for almost three months. This time though it is for very good reasons.

Since February I have gotten twenty-one (that is 21) straight short stories picked up by different magazines and anthologies across the globe (Included France and Russia). I have also gotten interest in a film-related book proposal of mine from a British publisher.

This stuff took precedent over the Blogs because I had to do requested re-writes on stories and write samples chapters requested by the publisher. These all took time and I had deadlines. As of this week, I have meet all those deadlines.

In addition to all this writing, I have also spent time indulging in my major hobbies: comics, movies and pro wrestling!

Speaking of those hobbies, a few words on my blogs are needed here. In the past I would try and get caught up. I don’t plan to do that now. My blogs with return in July, but with a more reasonable schedule that I can manage with my life and my writing becoming more active at this moment.

No major changes will be made to BURNING MIND, THIS IS A TRUE STORY or WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW. However Wrestlementary will be going to a monthly blog. I will write monthly pieces covering WWE, NXT, TNA, Lucha Underground and the local AWF. I will write other pieces as I see fit. I will post more details on the Wrestlementary Blog tomorrow, during Monday Night Raw.

Life is Good.


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